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Welcome to DST-IITH ICMAP for Bioenergy and Hydrogen

Inaugurated by


Dr. Jitendra singh

Hon'ble Minister of State Science & Technology and Hon'ble Minister of State Earth Sciences

04th April 2022
mission innovation

DST-IIT Hyderabad Integrated Clean Energy Material Acceleration Platform on Bioenergy and Hydrogen

A consortium on Green Hydrogen: Evolution to Revolution

A collaborative AI/ML enabled accelerated technology development platform for sustainable hydrogen generation and storage from waste biomass

The ramp up in the production and storage of green hydrogen has been declared as a priority in theNational Hydrogen Mission and the Green Hydrogen Policy for meeting the CO₂ emission intensity


jitendra singh srivari anita rajnit


There is increased awareness that concerted steps need to be taken to reduce CO2 emissionsin order to limit the ongoing global warming to levels less that 1.5oC above preindustrial levelto avoid potentially damaging economic and health impacts. Various countries, includingIndia have pledged to Nationally Determined Contributions to reduce the CO2 emissionintensity of energy, production and transportation sectors. Hydrogen from sustainable sourcesis increasingly being seen as an important pathway towards a zero carbon pathway as it canbe used to decarbonize hard to abate sectors and balance the intermittency issues oftraditional renewable energy sources. Hydrogen production and storage from waste agro-biomass has enormous potential as it can simultaneously generate hydrogen with no net CO2 emissions (unlike traditional hydrogen production technology) and provide a means toeffectively add value to agro-forestry waste resources.

The DST ICMAP Bioenergy and Hydrogen consortium aims to accelerate the development ofultra-efficient commercially viable biomass and waste-water to hydrogen conversion andstorage system through accelerated discovery of novel catalysts, novel storage systems andmaterials, and optimized plant condition designs enabled by state-of-the-art ArtificialIntelligence and Machine Leaning Platforms.

The project envisages a multi-stage H2 production where, initially H2 will be generatedthrough a 2-stage catalytic steam gasification of dried biomass. The waste-water and tarbyproducts of biomass gasification will be fed through amicrobial electrolytic and microbialfuel cell as well as a photocatalytic reactor for further generation of Hydrogen. Severaloptimized versions of adsorption and absorption based Hydrogen storage systems will also bedeveloped to significantly enhance the present technical capabilities of volumetric andgravitimetric hydrogen storage. Emphasis will be on using low cost materials, high conversionand storage efficiency and scalable synthesis.



Hydrogen through biomass gasification.

Work Package 1

A two-stage gasifier will be developed on a pilot-scale for the initial treatment of biomass for H2 production. Here, the catalytic bed will include newly designed catalytic materials for improved biomass to H2 conversion. Work Group 1 intends to demonstrate a Hydrogen yield of 100 gm/kg biomass at the bench scale and 75 gm/kg of biomass at the pilot scale with thermally and chemically stable catalysts. This will be approximately twice the yields demonstrated at the pilot scale for steam-based Biomass gasifiers as per available literature. AI enabled catalyst material design and gasifier design optimization through detailed modelling will be used to achieve the goals. Rice husk, stubble and sugarcane bagasse will be used as input biomass. The pilot scale biomass gasifier will be constructed and will be able to handle 25 kg of biomass per day.



Hydrogen through microbial SMFC-MEC cell.

Work Package 2A

The biomass residue developed in WP1 will be used as the ingredient in WP2 for further extraction of H2 via two distinct routes. In WP2A, an assembly of SMFC/MEC will be employed for biohybrid system-driven H2 production. The main goal is developing an energy input free SMFC-MEC system for pure H2 production and bioelectroremediation of liquified biomass derived from WP1 and wastewater. AI/ML enabled acceleration platform will be used to develop and deploy novel cost-effective and environmentally sustainable materials with suitable topology to enhance microbial growth, having higher resistance to pH variations and better electrical properties for use in this optimized SMFC/MEC system.

Hydrogen through photo-catalysis.

Work Package 2B

In WP 2B, the biomass waste coming from WP 1 and WP 2A is sent to the photocatalyst panels that produce sunlight-driven H2 by just using sunlight, without the need of any electrical bias. To further advance the efficiency of H2 generation at scale, rational insights on the photocatalyst design and largearea panel fabrication will be obtained through AI/ML enabled material discovery acceleration platform.



Hydrogen storage in materials and cylinders.

Work Package 4

The objective of the hydrogen storage subgroup is to come up with a prototype of a storage unit that has the capability of storing hydrogen in both material form (WP4A) as well as cylinder form(WP4B). The material-based prototype would have a very high gravimetric capacity, good kinetics, would work at low pressures and temperature conditions which have not been hitherto achieved. Additionally, the material would be cost-effective such that it is amenable to scalable synthesis. Both adsorption and absorption based materials will be investigated. A device would be fabricated to incorporate the material developed. The high-pressure storage system will be state-of-theart, which is capable of withstanding very high pressures (700 bar). The material, the micro-structure and fabrication technique for the same will be developed a part of the project. Virtual prototype of any size and shape and working pressure will be designed, fabricated, and tested using the characteristics and property of materials developed. Virtual testing for the preliminary tests will record the response of the device in situations of accidents due to fire or burst. The results of virtual testing will be used to reform the device hereby reducing the risks of sudden failures in emergency situations.



AI/ML MAP Platform Development.

Work Package 5

WP5 is tasked with the development of the AI/ML enabled Material Acceleration Platform. The tasks will include database and literature search for process conditions and catalysts/photocatalysts/ materials for biomass gasification, SMFC-MEC, and photocatalytic conversion of biomass and residual biomass to H2 , datamining of materials/catalysts for H2 storage, dopant data search for carbon based high surface area adsorption system, Metal alloy-based hybrid absorption system, and Composite materials design and fabrication conditions data search for high-pressure storage vessels. The project tasks also include formulation and development of predictive ML models for existing catalysts/ materials, H2 storage materials/catalysts & high-pressure composite storage vessels for understanding structural/composition-property relationships.


Principal Investigators

Dr. Sayak Banerjee

Dr. Sayak Banerjee (Admin PI)

IIT Hyderabad


Dr. Arnab Dutta

Dr. Arnab Dutta (Lead PI)

IIT Bombay


Dr. Biswajit Ghosh

Dr. Biswajit Ghosh

The Neotia University


Dr.A. Arun

Dr.A. Arun

Alagappa University


Dr.Murthy Dharmapura

Dr. Murthy Dharmapura

Manipal Institute of Technology


Dr. Jayant K Singh

Dr. Jayant K Singh

IIT Kanpur


Dr. Anandh Subramaniam

Dr. Anandh Subramaniam

IIT Kanpur


Dr. Deepshikha J. Nagar

Dr. Deepshikha J. Nagar



Dr.Swati Neogi

Dr.Swati Neogi

IIT Kharagpur


Dr. Kamesh Reddy

Dr. Kamesh Reddi



Conceptualized by

Dr. Rajnith Krishna Pai

Dr. Rajnith Krishna Pai

Scientist Technology Missions Division (Energy & Water) Ministry of Science and Technology
Dr. Anita Gupta

Dr. Anita Gupta

Head Technology Missions Division (Energy & Water) Ministry of Science and Technology